Wings and Divisions

Our Department is made up of three (3) Wings which houses various divisions that perform different roles and functions according to the department’s mandated roles and functions as per the Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Governments (OLPLLG) as well as its corporate plan. Below you will see the respective divisions, their functions and the wings they come under.

1. Provincial and Local Level Services Monitoring Authority (PLLSMA) Wing

2. Institutional Strengthening and Rural Service Delivery (ISRSD) Wing

3. Technical Services and Corporate Support (TSCS) Wing

  • Administer and coordinate
    performance monitoring
    and reporting of Provinces,
    DDAs, LLGS and City
    Authorities as required
    under the Organic Law on
    Provincial and Local Level
    Government (OPLLG),
    District Development
    Authority (DDA) Act, City
    Authorities Act, and Local
    Level Government (LLG)
    Administration Act.
  • Conduct governance
    compliance audits and
    inspections on Provincial
    Governments, LLGs, and
    Special Purpose Authorities
  • Administer and coordinate
    implementation of PLLSMA
    decisions and polices,
  • Administer NEC decisions
    on service delivery
    partnership agreements for
    provinces, and
  • Administer and coordinate
    implementation of gradative
    decentralization and power
    sharing arrangements
    between national
    government and provincial
  • Facilitate annual regional
    forums for governors,
    provincial administrators
    and CEOs of DDAs
  • Facilitate PLLSMA quarterly
    meetings and workshops
  • Administrative and logistics
    support to PLLSMA
  • Identify capacity
    development needs of 89
    District Development
  • Coordinate implementation
    of capacity building
    interventions towards
    addressing capacity gaps
    for DDAs, and
  • Provide technical support
    for improving enabling
    environment for districts
  • Establishment of procedural
    and operational guide-lines
    for provincial and LLG’s in
    accordance with the
    Organic Law on Provincial
    and Local Government and
    other relevant Acts.
  • Provision of advice and
    guidance on good
    governance processes and
    procedures to provincial
    and LLG’s under the reform.
  • Strengthening capacity of
    elected leaders and public
    officials on their roles and
    responsibilities under the
  • In liaison with other relevant
    division, e.g., Legal and
    Policy Division, investigate
    and resolve issues and
    complaints on Provincial
    and LLGs including
    misconduct in office by
    elected leaders and public
  • In consultation with PNG
    Electoral Commission
    facilities election of LLG’s
    and the determination of
    LLG boundaries.
  • Facilitation of the
    establishment, alteration
    and abolishing of LLGs,
    wards and SPAs.
  • Provision of advice to
    minister through secretary
    on LLG matters, and
  • Implement National
    Government’s Rural Service
    Delivery Programs.
  • Identify capacity
    development needs of
    provincial governments and
    the three (3) City Authorities
  • Provide on-going advisory
    support to the provincial
    government leaders and
  • Coordinate provision of
    technical support towards
    addressing capacity gaps
    for provincial governments
    and city authorities, and
  • Coordinate sister cities
    arrangement and programs.
  • Development of policies,
    guidelines and procedures
    on border administration
    and development
  • Overall intemal
    administration and
    coordination of internall
    borders and refugee camps.
  • Administration and
    enforcement of relevant
    provisions of border
    agreements/treaties in
    relation to administration of
    international borders.
  • Coordinate and overseeing
    the implementation of
    refugee policies and
  • Facilitate acquisition of
    customary land for state
    purposes and perform
    custodian role on behalf of
    the State under Section 167
    of Land Registration Act
    and Section 134 of Lands
  • Administration of
    department’s financial
    resources and procurement
    of goods and services in
    accordance with the Public
    Finance Management Act
    and operational guidelines.
  • Administration of
    department fixed assets.
  • Provide technical advice to
    management, client
    divisions and provincial
    administrations on financial
  • Administration of
    Department’s human
    resource needs in terms of
    HR Planning, recruitment
    and selection, HR
    development, employees’
    salaries remuneration,
    industrial relations, and HR
  • Provision of technical
    advice and assistance to
    management, client
    divisions and provincial
    administrations on HR
  • Overall Technical support to
    the department in
    management of information
    and its technological
  • Installation and
    maiintenance of
    computerized information
    systems for the
  • Provide technical advice
    and information to the
    department’s management
    with regard to IT and related
  • Provide technical
    assistance in provincial and
    LLG capacity building in
    areas of IT.
  • Providing legal advice to the
    Department, Minister, NEC,
    CACC, other government
    agencies and Provincial and
    Local Level Governments
  • Providing legal
    representation for the
    department and Minister
  • Reviewing of legislation
    relating to Provincial and
    Local Level Governments
  • Carrying out legislative
    drafting as required by the
    Department, Minister, NEC,
    FLC, and Provincial and
    Local Level Governments.
  • Administer and coordinate
    implementation of national
    government polices and
  • Provide policy advise to
    Minister and National
  • Conduct policy drafts and
    reviews as and when
  • Carry out ministerial and
    state obligation and mineral

Useful Links

  • Department of Treasury
  • Bank of Papua New Guinea
  • Department of National Planning & Monitoring
  • PNG Association of Government Accountants & Public Finance Managers
  • Department of the Prime Minister & National Executive Council
  • Department of Personnel Management

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  • (+675) 301 1054
  • Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea.